We Created Whole Spice Kitchen Indian Recipe Starters So You Can Create Wholesome, Nutritious Indian Dishes at Home

Indian cooking is one of the world's healthiest cuisines. It is inherently rich in vegetables, lentils, plant-based protein and anti-inflammatory ingredients like ginger, garlic, and turmeric. It is perfectly adaptable to different dietary preferences: vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore. But, many people have never experienced traditional, homemade Indian food. We are on a mission to change that.

Hello, and welcome, fellow Adventurous Home Cooks!

We’re so glad you’re here!

At Whole Spice Kitchen, we believe that what we eat and how we prepare it can impact our lives and our world in so many positive ways. We believe everyone should be able to create nourishing, whole food-based meals at home without having to learn a lot of techniques, scroll through endless recipe blogs or buy a million specialty ingredients.

Whole Spice Kitchen Recipe Starters include detailed but approachable recipes and pre-measured specialty spices, lentils, beans and rice to help you discover and create amazing dishes from scratch.

Our goal is to make Indian cooking, accessible to all. If you're curious about primarily plant based dishes, Indian food, or want to learn more, we invite you to embark on this journey with us as we explore the joys of Indian cooking.

Happy Cooking!

Whole Spice Kitchen

WHOLE: We believe in cooking with whole foods and whole spices (ok, and ground spices too). We love the whole sensory experience that comes from cooking with whole spices and you will too! Our Recipe Starters make it easy for you to create amazing dishes featuring whole foods such as lentils, beans, grains, vegetables and lean meats.

SPICE: Spices are the catalyst that transform simple ingredients into dishes that nourish our body and soul. Cooking with an abundance and variety of spices, especially whole spices, is a hallmark of Indian cooking. Our spices are the foundation of our Recipe Starters and will help you bring rich, flavorful dishes to your table.

KITCHEN: This is where the magic happens. We believe there is nothing better than food made by home cooks in a home kitchen. Our Recipe Starters will help you take ownership of what you eat and how you prepare your food. Cooking is an expression of love and creativity, whether you're cooking for yourself, your family, friends or a lively gathering, we are here to help you make the magic happen in your kitchen.